Week 1 Reflection

Whats up blog,

I can definitely say we had a good week this week. I learned and studied a lot and am happy with my progress. I have really been enjoying flying so far and learning the ways of airplanes. I started out on the ground just running through how the preflight works and my checklists to get a sense of how flying begins. We also talked a lot about wings and lift and learning what forces contribute to the plane flying. 

Once we got in the air after some days of heavy wind, we finally got up into the air. I taxied to the runways which was kind of challenging steering with the rutter pedals. I would like to get more practice at this because it is an integral part of taking off keeping the plane straight down the runway so if I want to progress I need that too. Once we were in the sky, I was practicing my slow climbs and descents, as well as turns of various bank angles. I had a lot of fun practicing my steeper turns and doing turns around objects or towards headings. 

Moving forward, I think the main things I need to work on are my taxiing so I can learn to take off and my precision in turning so I can set up well to land. I am also excited to hopefully practice power on stalls next week if the weather is nice. I need to keep up my work studying and I will be all good. 


  1. Pretty cool that you get to drive around in a plane on the runway. How much more independence is ahead for your flying? How long does it usually take before you're starting to get reps at takeoffs with your instructor?


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