Day 10 May 19th

 Hi blog, 

Today was another good day flying. I started it off studying for about 3 hours in the morning and then went to the airfield. It was too windy for me to take off by myself which was too bad. I did the preflight as usual and taxied to the runway as usual. Then, once we were in the air we practiced some maneuvers and slow flight, practicing putting ourselves in the position to land. Then, we did some cool instrument flying where I essentially put on a blindfold but could just see the instruments, and had to fly only looking at the instruments. This was a bit scary, but I did a pretty good job and was happy about it. Then, we went over lake sunapee which was beautiful, and then I headed back and got us into the position to land but didn’t do it myself because of the adverse wind conditions. I went to the gym at proctor and then studied for two more hours and called it a day. Hopefully I will be able to take off and land on Monday. Today was 7 hours and my project total is 71.5.


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