Day 4 - May 11th

 What up blog, 

I would say today was my best day in the air so far. After waking up and going on a run, I reviewed more of my material and read more of the reading I did on Monday and Tuesday about aerodynamics. I found this to be quite interesting.  I also learned more about adverse yaw which I found very interesting and can say I have been noticing that in my flying. After I studied for about 2 hours, I headed straight to the airfield for my lesson. We began with another weather briefing, and read through the airmets, notams, and more charts and other information. Today I felt much more proficient in processing this information so I was very happy with that. Then, we started the preflight routine which I am getting very comfortable with. Tomorrow, I’m going to be expected to do this whole process on my own so that will be interesting but I think I’ve got it. Then, we taxied to the runway, and my steering using the rutter was pretty bad to be honest. I am still finding this difficult and its too bad because once I get better at taxiing straight, I can start progressing towards taking off by myself. Once we got into the air, my instructor told me we were going to be working on turns at a steeper bank angle, around 45 degrees. He did a few demonstrations, and then it was my turn to try. It was hard keeping level using the pitching wheel, but my last few were very level and felt super cool. Banking at such a steep angle feels so surreal. Overall, I was very happy with my progress and am looking forward to getting back into a plane. Unfortunately, tomorrow the planes are due for an inspection and the flight school is closed on weekends so we can’t fly until Monday. After I got back from the airfield I studied for two more hours and felt very productive. It’s amazing how motivated you can be to study when you have genuine interest in the topic you are researching. 

Todays  hours:

2 hours w instructor + 4 hours independently studying 

6 hours total

Project total hours. 

19.5 hours


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